Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry focuses on serving and empowering teens at our Youth Center. The leadership training program was created for teens to learn and hone important leadership skills, such as facilitating meetings, effective communication, and teambuilding. Through this program, we were able to connect teens from the community with our teens at St. Mary’s Church. As one wholesome Salesian family, we educate in the faith through the confirmation program. In this program teens are prepared to receive the sacrament of confirmation, volunteer during youth mass and participate in youth group activities. Through these programs our youth put their newly gained skills into practice by planning church and club events.
SHOUT Program
SHOUT provides 3 main components; Academic Enrichment, Recreational/Physical Education and Educational Enrichment such as tutoring, Cyber Patriot, Outsiders Club, Youth Leadership, STEM clubs, and English Learning clubs amongst many more. Besides providing free and outstanding programming to the community, we work along Roosevelt High School students on improving their overall academic performance. Our stakeholders are; principals, admin, counselors, teachers, parents and students. We expose our youth to life skills and prepare them to be engaging citizens of our community. Our goal is to have High School students develop a positive outlook on education and improve their willingness to engage in school.

We Care Program
The We Care After-School Program serves students from the ages of 5-13 from the surrounding schools. We are open from 7:30am to 6pm every weekday and follow all CDC guidelines required for opening, as well as staff getting tested every 3 weeks.
Our goal is to offer enrichment both academically and creatively, throughout the year. All our children benefit in getting hands on assistance and bettering their social emotional and academics. Kids are separated by grade to provide age and grade appropriate activities. Each We Care staff provides homework help, tutoring, and enrichment through extra curriculum to help our children and youth improve their academics and social skills and become better students. All We Care kids receive a nutritious supper every day through our partnership with the L.A. Food Bank.
Camp Salesian
Our summer program, Camp Salesian, has provided a fun and safe summer for the children in the Boyle Heights and surrounding cities since 1966. We accept children and youth between the ages of 5-13 years old. Activities are held from 9am to 3pm, with the extended care until 6pm for families that need the additional support.
Throughout the day our Campers participate in a range of interactive and enriching activities like sports, STEAM, arts & crafts, dancing, cooking, and more. Campers are encouraged to participate in all of the activities to learn, grow, and let their creativity out. We provide a breakfast and hot lunch for our Campers every camp day throughout the duration of the season.
For TEENS! Every year our Camp Counselors begin training for the summer season in March. Our camp counselors are high school volunteers that complete appropriate training to care for the kids. We implemented all CDC guidelines to provide our Campers and Counselors with a safe and healthy environment.