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“To inspire and enable the young people of East Los Angeles and the surrounding communities to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens and to support their families in this effort.”




7 weeks

From June 22nd to August 7th

Monday – Friday

From 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM



An Example of a Day at Virtual Camp Salesian:

9:00 AM         General Assembly through Zoom!

  • Good morning

  • Camp Cheers

  • Prayer

9:20 AM         Meeting by grades

  • Arts and Crafts

  • Activity runs

  • Faith Sharing

  • And more!!!


11:00 AM       LUNCH BREAK (We don’t want children to sit in front of the computer too long, so have built in time for them to take a break for lunch, to rest or get outside for some exercise and sun.)


2:30 PM          General Assembly lead by Rec-Crew

  • We are going to follow a story-line

  • Activity

  • Whole Camp

3:30 PM          Salesian Good night

  • Prayer and good



  • Activities vary depending on the day Activities are designed for each age level

  • All program materials and supplies are provided 


Medical Insurance:


Camp Salesian has medical insurance for counselors and campers.


Who is able to attend:


Children ages 4 to 13 are able to attend Camp Salesian.

 (Going into Transitional Kinder to 8th grade)


Special Days:


  • Special Field Trips    Once a week we will visit places like national parks, museums and science centers virtually. r

  • Masses            Every Friday at 10:00 AM Holy Mass will be celebrated for campers and counselors. Relatives are always welcome to attend.

  • Family Night On Friday July 31st at 7:00 P.M., Camp Salesian will host our annual Talent Show, in which families will be able to see their children perform on-screen 

  • Overnighter   If guidelines allow, immediately after the Talent Show, we will host an overnighter for those children who want to spend the night here at Camp Salesian. Our overnighter will go all through the night and end Saturday morning at 7:00 AM.




You can register your child(ren) online.


Virtual Camp Salesian Registration Fee:

  • $10 per child if received at Salesian Family Youth Center before/until June 1st

  • $15 per child if received by June 30th

  • $20 after July 1st.


List of Costs:

For all of our services the following fees must be paid in full:


  • Registration:

    • $ 10 non-refundable if registered until June 1st.

    • $ 15 non-refundable beginning June 2nd.

    • $ 20 non-refundable beginning June 17th.


  • Weekly Payment:

    • $ 10 per week per child (TK - 8th grade)


(These prices include a camp T-shirt, field trips, and lunch)


Dress Code:


Because our camp will be virtual, it is very important that the boys and girls, and their background as it appears on camera are appropriate for other Campers and Counselors to see.  This is for their own self-esteem and as well as the comfort of everyone else participating in the same Zoom videoconferencing. We ask you to please consider the following:


Girls: No short shorts, No tank tops, No sandals or flip-flops. Girls in 7th & 8th grade are not allowed to wear 2-piece bathing suits or bikinis at all.  Boys: No baggy pants or shorts. No obscene writing or displays on shirts, no sandals or flip-flops.


Background:  Make sure that nothing inappropriate, such as obscene displays, loud noises or inappropriate people appear in the background that will be picked up by the camera.


Important notices and reminders:

  • If you are making weekly payments, all money due must be paid each Monday morning before your child(ren) attends camp.


  • All payments must be made from Monday to Friday. The front desk is the only place where payments will be accepted. Remember to keep all receipts as proof of payment. 


  • There are absolutely no refunds for any reason.


On the last week of camp, no checks or Monday payment will be accepted. All payments must be made by the Friday before the last week of camp.


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Call Us: 1-323-980-8551   /   /  2228 E 4th Street Los Angeles, CA 90033

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